Friday, June 22, 2007

tom & jerry~

2 days ago..konyot bawak balik baby tikus masuk rumah...
tah mana die kutip pun x tau laaaa...
die nak bawak main2...
but the tikus got away..
sbb time konyot tgk main2 cat & mouse tuh..papa interrupted him..
so konyot lost focus...the tikus terlepas...

but we's somewhere around the house..
because there's no way out from the back..
nak x nak..the rat have to cross the living area n access the exit..

so..last night..we were having a family time..
chill in front of the tv...
konyot came from the back..carrying something in his mouth..
we saw the tail.....n we know it's the rat from the other day..
boleh x..i was sitting on the floor*yea i prefer to seat on the floor rather than on the sofa..even at someone else's place..see how KG am i!!!*
n konyot brought that thing towards me...farking hell..
i jump straight on the did ayol..*yeeee..ayol penakut*
n mama of coz..there's no other space left for nonoy were sleeping on the sofa during that P.G have to bear..being on the floor..heheheheheh..
i was funny..when mama asked p.G to do some stuff..n while doing it..the rat came towards him..he jump here n there..funny...
we all just laugh..
ye la..kite org selamat atas la la~

rasa x tenteram je jiwa..
because the chasing thing lasted for few hours...
konyot saje nak buat2 main je..
i went to bed around 10ish...
when i woke up this morning..they said that the rat is gone..
guess konyot might have ate it..
konyot yg sangat buduh..
semua bende nak makan..

here r some of the pictures taken..
ye la..ade cam baru kan..
semua pun nak amik gambar je..
i x berani datang dekat..
so most of the pictures dpd jarak jauh..n zoom..gagagagga..
P.G jugak memberanikan diri..duk dekat2..amik gambar..
baru la clear..heheh..

:: the P.G took..xde meaning..P.G berani laaa..sbb mmg dekat okay ::

:: mcm takut je tikus tuh..eventho i hate rat..but this one is still a baby..mcm kesian pulak tgk..hmmpphh.. ::

:: konyot kejii..bole je relax..tgk attempt tikus tuh cuba melepaskan diri..panjat2.. ::

:: nih i amik sian kan..mcm tikus tuh tgh beg gilee babsss.. ::

:: sampai bersinar2 mata excited with the rat.. *i's the flash..i'm not that stupid* ::


Yours Truly ... XOXO said...

ahhaha klaka... tapi adoi tikus?? eeekk.. I paling geli dgn tikus..! ;P tapi baby tikus tu mmg chumel ek.. ;P

Khalisa Ridzuan said...

u tau tak,i jln dr lrt bangsar,ikut jalan belakang tu, tiap2 hari, mental torture abehhhhh..tikus mati bergelimpangan banyak gilaaaaa..geli sial.disgusting!
cepatla abeh exam ni.huwaaaaaa!

Peej said...

yours truly ... xoxo,
i know..i pun takut dlm gambar bole la cakap chumell..if depan2..dah lama lariii~

OMG!! i know how u feel..sbb tikus2 jalana semua besar2 okay..mcm anak kucing dah besar die..sangat scary..

Along said...

gilek ah~
sempat snap pictures lg.
ni lagi maha hebat dari paparazzi hollywood =P

trase cam tgk tom & jerry plak =)

Intan and The Boys said...

my cats pon suke bawak balek haiwan2 eksotik balek umah..slalunye anak biawak la..(coz my house bersebelahan ngan semak-samun)

Ceera said...

Erk... comelnya tikus tu.. hehe... pndai korang amik gambar eks.. tambah2 bila tikus tu buat muke sedih, sangat menyayat hati okey...

sob sob...

lepaskan la tikus itu konyot.. dia pun mahu hidup seperti tikus2 yang lain...

Peej said...

tau xpe..tuh kalau ade camera mcm paparazzi confirm duaploh snap saye amik..mmg mcm tgk tom & dlm versi..kite merasa sangat cemas..

anak biawak????sangat la scaryyyy..konyot pun same..abis umah nih punya lipas die sebat..die bawak masuk lipas dpd luar pulak..baru je vacumm..esoknyer bawah dining table tuh dah ade 6 ekor lipas2 hancur..sakit je hatiii..

-tu laaaaa...sian je tgk muka tikus tuh..mcm sedih if die biarkan..biasa membinasa kan umah kite..
-lepaskan???konyot dah makan pun bende alah tuh..sbb xde bahan bukti yg dijumpai..

hOtMaMa said...

teror jugak konyot kau tuh ek peej.. siap boleh bawak haiwan buruan lg balik ke rumah... hik..hik..kenyang la konyot hari tuh, dpt makan tikus sekor...huhuhu geli giler dng tikus..!

shazanateh said...

ade pulak entry gossip kucing dan tikus dalam blog kau ni peija!!!!

hari tu gossip buah-buahan. hahaha!!!

ok. aku pon teringat cite tom and jerry. argh! nak gi cari cd tom and jerry skang jugak!

Peej said...

terlebih terelll...sampai menyusahkan org dikemudian hariii...sbb kene bersihkan..i pun gelllliii giler ngan tikusss okeyhhh..

blog ini mesra alam..macam cerite ade...xyah cari cd..sometimes kat astro cartoon network & yg sewaktu dengannyer la la~