Sunday, June 17, 2007

mat salleh~

i wonder why they call them Mat Salleh...
why not..Mat Daud, Mat Ahmad or maybe Mat Harun???
anyone knows why they are call Mat Salleh?? Anyone???

n'way,today's post is regarding Englishman..
the day nonoy came back..
we(me,mama,ayol) spent few hours listening to nonoy's experienced while she was in U.K for the past 2 months...
one of them was about how english man dig ASIAN...
how many of them try to hit on her..
how they try to be friendly with edan..but once edan went to the toilet..
there they go..hitting on u like u r the prettiest ever they ever met..heheeh..

n noy told us that most the woman there is kindda big..
big as in..they have 'extra baggage' here n there..
a bit smaller than me of coz(daymmnnn!!!)
so if i ever to go there..
she said i won't be having all this inferiority complex thingy..*yeah - yeah*
suddenly mama cut in

mama : if pija pergi sana..bole ke dapat bf org putih??
noy : mmg bole la maaaa..serious..dorg suke gile Asian.
mama : haaaa,apa lagi pija..kau pergi la sana..
me : x baik la mama nihhh..jahat tau..sian ben tau *as u guys noticed.. i actually realized that i'm in love with so so i think the idea of me hooking up with whites is totally mean*
mama : eh lupa, 'ceporeng' kau tuh nak letak mana kan?? *mama gelak2* ye laaaa..ben tuh baik laaaa...
noy : tah..sian Abg Ben tau..
me : tau pun *tetibe ter-emo*

then she continue her story...
then later at night...before i fall asleep..
i day-dream*it was at night..should i say i night dream instead??hahah*
i was day dreaming...picturing myself..marrying a white guy...haihh..
it was JUST a day dream okay *xde kene mengene dgn yg hidup atau yg mati*
welllllll,i have this dream..i mean..when i was a little(since standard 5)i always wanted to marry whites..because i want to have cute kids..heheeheh*gatal bebenor*
but..after awhile i let learn to let go..because from what i see...most..not all..but most of the marriage failed..* sbb x laku??heheheh*
especially when the husband is white...
why???i think because of the cultural n they way of living..
just imagine..they were raised with pork..then
suddenly..they have to cut all of them sbb islam mana bole semua tu kan???
i know..some of them still with the lifestyle..even dah masuk islam..
maybe sebab..isteri x bimbing..dua2 pun jenis minum2 semua..
well,not that i'm religious or anything..
but if i were to start a family..xmo la dosa2 nih semua..nak la la~

eventho me n ben x ke arah keagamaan sangat..
but xmo la sesat sampai tua kan???
nak la jugak menjadi solehah di suatu hari..*cea cea*

but this thought(about whites) telah membuatkan ku ter-berangan tau..*keji betuiii*
ish..ish..ish...haruslah mengetuk diri sendiri dgn batu utk stop berangan..
to my sayang..if ever u read this entry..i want u to know that i love u dearly..
i wish for the best in our relationship..
but kite merancang..Allah menentukan...
i u my ceporeng!!


Anonymous said...

nak ngorat orang putih jugak la! tp tak reti cakap omputeh.




Anonymous said...

ongkaye ongkaye!
sekarang, omputih! omputih!
banggggg bennnnnn!!!
pija gats cips!

Dark @ng3L said...

ko nie kdg2 cam ganas..
tp byk yang suweet terhadap encik ben ko itu..

Ceera said...


peej sudah jadi jiwang...

Peej said...

ye ke x tau ckp english???
mcm x percaya je..
susah2..suruh mat salleh tuh belajar ckp melayu..

ala..sekali sekala gats hatiku pada ben sorg *ayat sbb takut kau mengadu..hakhakhakhak*

angel alone,
ganas ke??tang mana yg ganas tuh???
suweet la..sbb chentaaa..xkan la aku keji sgt..aku hargai la sbb die sayang aku..bukan senang nak carik org sayang kite kan..

jiwang ke??haiihhhh..syndrom gatal x pulih lah nih..

shazanateh said...

aku cakap omputeh bila aku marah je. ahahha!

tp adik-adik aku plak, bila marah cakap loghat kedah.

eh ade kene mengena ke comment aku ni?