Thursday, June 14, 2007

suka aku la nak buat sekali 4 post..kate blog hakuu~

70 things you might not know about me

1. What is your last name?
- burhanuddin..bapak hakuuu..

2. How big is your bed?
- big enough to fit gendutss me..

3. What are you listening to right now?
- beautiful liar (spanish version) by beyonce n shakira

4. What are the last 4 digits in your cellphone number?
- 7585

5. What was the last thing you ate?
- cekodok pisang..petang tadi..ish..lapar laaa..

6. Last person who txted you?
- edan..said noy is safely on board..n him being sad.. wuwu

7. How is the weather right now?
- not so cold night..kindda stuffy..

8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

9. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
- shaved heads...they captured my naughty eyes everytime..

10. Favorite type of Food?
- i eat everything..isn't it obviouss???

11. Do you want children? How many?
- who doesn't..thought of having 4..but 2 would be okay tooo..

13. Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night?
- hmmmm.... ;p~

14. Hair color?
- black

15. Eye color?
- brown

16. Do you wear eye contacts?
- the moment..i wear ait..

17. Favorite holiday?
- la la..

18. raining?
- nope..

19. Have you ever cried over a toy?
- guess so..i guess every kids had those kind of experience..

20. Last Movie you Watched?
- hmmm..that would be ages ago*sigh*..the last one was Jangan Pandang Belakang

29. What books are you reading?
- none at the mo..but will do starting tomorrow since noy bought for me hell lottt...guess..i will be preoccupied then..heheh

30. Favorite T.V. commercial?
- tepung cucur adabi..since i have my own version of singing it..n ben akan dipaksa utk gerakkan kepala die kekiri dan kekanan mengikut rentak la la..cayangnnyerr kat ben tuh..

31. Favorite Movie?
- my bestfriend's wedding, white chicks, blood in blood out, finding nemo, wedding date, four brothers, rush hour 1 & 2..gowd,too many to mention..haaaa..n most of horror la la..

32. Favorite college football team?
- none

33. What were you doing before this?
- went to the loo..gagagaga

34. Any pets?
- mighty Konyot n few fishes...

35. Aim?
- like gun aim??or arrow kindda aim???

38. Favorite Flower?
- not into flowers..treat me with good foods rather than buying me plzzz.NO FLOWERS!!kecoh la aku tanya favourite flower je..sape kate nak bg flower..x paham soklan keee???buduh bebenor..

40. Have you ever loved someone?
- loved??yes...but im over it..i found new love..n love it..i love my tweet toppy kek kigom kigom = En. Ben~

41. Who would you like to see right now?
- NONOY!!! n ben..n edan..n erk..i wanna be around my love ones...too many to mention

42. Last time you cried?
- last week..

44. Do you like to travel by plane?
- yeah..but lately i have this weird feeling..suddenly i feel like i hate to travel..maybe becoz of the email i received..the one with pictures..yg accident kat kedah tuh..wuwuwuwuwu..ngerii laa.. jadi x suke nak travel naik apa2 pun..

45. Right-handed or Left-handed?
- righty

46. If you could go to any place right now where would you go?
- menari sexy2 ngan ben di carribean island..owh indah..

47. Are you missing someone?
- yeah..miss my mr bentooo..wuwuwu

49. Do you have a tattoo?
- no becoz islam x bole laaaaaaaaa...apa tanya soklan mcm nih..

50. Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?
- nope

51. Are you craving for something right now?
- SEX!!! hahahahahah..xde la..ish..haremmm...maksiat semua itu..aku lapar aku crave segala macam makanan...

52. Are you 18?
- nope

54. Did you get enough sleep last nyte?
- i don't think so..

55. First thing you thought about this morning:
- hope mama is already up..

56. What do you have handy at your bedside?
- my hp..

57. Grilled or fried?
- love complainss..

59. When was the last time you saw your best friend(s)?
- ice on monday, jonet early month, murshida last year (am not a bad friend..she lives in U.K for god's sake..)

60. Are you afraid of the dark?
- it pitch black..but depends where..if kat kampung..harus la TAKUTTT!!!

62. One person you can't live without?
- my family..that's for sure..n maybe Jonet..she's the best i ever had..seriously..

63. First thing you will buy if given 50 thousand dollars?
- my own pc n brand new hp n digi cam...will give the balance to my mum... since i don't think i need anything else..

64. Favorite song/s?
- love

65. What are you afraid of?
- Death..since i'm so not readyyy..

66. Are you a giver or a taker?
- both

67. What do people call you for short?
- pija..pij..ja.. pilih la yg mana suka..

68. Whats your dad's middle name?
- dont have one

69.what will u do if there's no tomorrow for you?
- tomorrow never dies..hek hek hek...tah la..xmo pikir..bikin runsing saja..

70. what u bought recently?
- sepit rambut bunga yg sangat la la..


Sunan_Jati said...

weh apsal keta BMW plak...
cerita skit...!

Yours Truly ... XOXO said...

Helo...dat is u mind if i copy the questions? ;P

Peej said...

sat lagi i bg jawapan..

yours truly...xoxo,
sure dear..tag it if u love it..

Diana Ishak said...

biadap sungguh buat meme taknak tag aku.
tag aku la hoih!

Peej said...

weyh..nih bukan tag la..
aku buat survey je..
aku malas tag org nih..
sbb kalau aku x buat..aku mcm emo...
survey2 ku adalah..self tag..
ala2 restoran layan diri mcm tuh..