Friday, April 20, 2007

nonoy is one lucky bicth~

so as i mentioned earlier..
noy dah pergi UK...
so tadi petang after mama balik keje ..mama tanya la..

mama : noy ade call x??

me : maaaa..noy tgh atas flight la..*dgn muka mcm aku je pandai* banyak la nak call dpd sana..

mama : bukan la..before die pergi tadi

me : *kemaluan* owh ok..xde..kenape??

mama : xde la die call mama tadi b4 die pergi..

me : pastu??

mama : noy gi register kat counter mas nak check in..tetibe mas cakap flight penuh..

me : *gelabah ayam* abis tuh??kenapa bole jadi macam tuh??

mama : alaa..biasa la..kan pakai system ..MATF slalu mcm tuh..

me : abis tuh mcm mana??

mama : pastuh mas cakap kat noy, "u're one of the luckiest. because we will upgrade u to business class"

kau dengar tuh???business class boleh x???????????????????/
she is one lucky bitch...
dah la ticket die beli kat MATF..
which only cost her RM 3071...
tapi dapat dok business class..
syiokknyer..xde la kejung buntut dok 13 jam atas flight tuh..herrgghhhh...
me n edan(noy's bf) b4 edan gi UK dulu...pernah check out harga seat..
business class punya seat cost RM 20k ++...okeyhhhh...
owh...sggh la chelanotttt...

by this time * 2.20am* she already step her feet to heatrow..
for all i know she already in london now..
as a friend of mine have a flat in london for them to stay..
edan came all the way from cardiff with two of his friends..
they drive which took them 3 hours plus2..
so by the time touch down pun dah pukul 6petang kat sana..
by the time settle semua x tau la kul berapa kan..
xkan nak drive balik cardiff..
so maybe dorg dok kat london..20 mins east heatrow
or maybe pergi rumah murshida..which is in Reading..about 20 mins west from heatrow
tp xkan la ramai2 tuh nak berlonggok kat rumah murshida kan??
sangat la x sabar nak ber-ym ngan die..
wanna know whether they head to west or east..heheh
n i'll update the dirty details later okies...
ye la...aku mana la ade cerite menarik..
so kene la cerite sikit2 pasal org itu dan ini..
tapi atleast aku cakap cerite tu pasal org lain kan..
unlike some people yg mengaku hidup org lain itu hidup die..
psycho..ish..tetibe lari subjek pulak..lalala..

die bergumbira di sana..
aku disini???
ishhh..kalau la gua ade duit..selamba gue beli ticket business class gi sana esok jugak..
cea cea...
ala..berangan tuh free..
suka hati gue la...
apa shibukk...