Friday, April 20, 2007

gile glamour~

so i've change my photo...
photo ni dpd wedding sharina..
it was suppose to be a picture of me, pedd n fa..
tp ape kejadah nak letak pic dorg kat blog aku pulak kan..
so pergi la meng-crop photo tuh..
pastu bile upload je pic nih..sambil meng-tick 'shrink to fit?'
tp cacat je..
gambar tuh blah kiri je..sangat center..
so..decide xnak tick la pulak kan..
ok la gambar tuh..xde la kire..


gambar tuh besar nak mamposss..
macam makcik nih gile glamour sangat pulak...
sebenarnyer ade la gile glamour sikit...
la la la...

ok x??
gambar lama tuh..
terlalu ke-willie wonka-an la rupa ku *bak kate farinna*
xpe..dpd die kate muka aku macam oopa loompa...huhuhu

p/s: apa ke gile tulisan2 nih..kejap kecik..kejap besar..
meyampah nyerrr...

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