Saturday, April 28, 2007

mamak session~

was chatting in ym with noy
when i received a phone call from ice..
chat for a while..
n ask me out for a drink..
said he'll be at my place in 25 mins..
wtf!!i haven't take my bath..
ice said..i don't need one..because i already smells good..
bodoh hape.. siap bergardening..i know i smells like a pig..heheheh..
so..i cut my conversation with noy..
rush my self to take my shower..
then gave ben a call..mintak permission*sbb nih aku letih couple2..tau x??*
karang x cakap..die kate aku suka buat suka hati la ape laaa...

then take a glance at the wall clock at my room..
it's already 25 mins since ice call..
punya la rushing2..
so saya keluar ngan muka yg x make-up..huhuhu..
what the's only ice anyway..

few mins later,he called..said..he's already at my place..
then we went straight to nz *apa yg ice suka sangat nz nih pun aku x tau la*
then we talk for awhile..
abiut his crisis with her gf..
n he talk about marriage n stuff..
it's kindda funny to hear all that from ice..
sbb..dulu ice nih ye ye je kate nak kawin when he's 30..
tiba2..cakap..die nak kawin in 2 years time.. la..kite merancang..Allah yg menentukan..
god for him..wish him all the best.. ;p~
am happy for him..

then we were joined by shawal..
i was cought by surprise..when shawal said..he quit smoking for the pass 1 month..
giler laaa..
i've thought about quit smoking..but i don't think i can do that..
told u..aku nih slalu hangat2 tahi kambings..

we were stuck there for few hours..since it was pouring heavily..
so memandangkan we sat beside few pictures of foods n drinks..
tetibe terasa seperti nak menambah order ..*aku minum teh ice je x salah la kalau nak tambah order*..
gambar ABC..sgt la tempting..walaupun order jugak..
sgt berpuas hati..ABC die bole tahan la..ade kacang goreng =D *chukerrr..sayerrr*

bile dah hujan renyai2...baru la balik..
thought of calling ben..tapi macam dah lewat..
takut die dah he will be working tomorrow..
so me ym la ngan noy..n buat blog..
tetibe ben call pukul 3.30..
cakap..asal x call..
suara dah ala2 x manja je..
hangin la tuh..slagi aku x call...
slagi tuh xleh tido..
mcm la ade org nak kidnap aku... *org nak kidnap pun pikir 8 kali laa..berat nak mengangkutnyer..*
so dgn kuasa manja semulajadi yg tertanam dlm jiwa ku ini..
aku berjaya melembutkan hatinyer itu..
ok la tuh je buat kali ini..byeee...

*masih terbayang2 digi cam..yikess*


Khalisa Ridzuan said...

ice?seperti pernah ku dgr nama itu?tp dimana ya?
oooo..terendak la.muahahaha =P

penat kan,bila nk kuar dgn kwn pn nk report.leceh.ntah dtg dr mana la peraturan kalau nk kuar kene bgtau.rasenya itu hukum dlm org2 dh kawin je.ape2 nk ckp lebih,nnt one day,i couple sure ntah2 lg buat lebih dr ni.hahaha

digi cam mu semakin kabur dr pandangan la jwbnya.tsk.tsk.
better late than tak dpt lgsg kan?hahah =P

Peej said...

tu xpe kot..ben mcm dah ok sikit laaaaa...dulu bole bergaduh 2 hari sbb i kuar..konon aku syok kat ice..tah apa2..

digi cam??esok nak gi survey..
if ade berkenan terus beli..
tgk la mcm mana kerajinan diri..huhuhuhu..

*x sabar nih..*

Anonymous said...

saya tunggu lamaaaaa... :(

Peej said...

banyak laaa..
pastu aku pulak tggu lama..
sbb suka2 je kau boleh turun tgk tv kan??..