Tuesday, April 24, 2007


so, as i mentioned before..
i was blog-hoping the other day..
n i ran into Green Apple's blog..
where some of the post mentioned about her so-called blur bibik..
it was funny..u guys should check out her blog..
can bet u'll tend to get hooked up..heheh..
ini namenye promosi tanpa gaji..

nway, after i read about that..
i remembered a situation about this one bibik..which involves me of coz..
it happened a long time ago..
if i'm not mistaken..back when i was still in BBGS..
when i was seventeen to be exact..
at that time..my house was rented by KRU motion pictures..
for a sitcom..
they rented it for two months..
where they came as early as 8am n continue the shoot till 7-8pm..

most of the crew is damn sexy..
good looking..
biasa la..KRU..crew pun nak yg sexy2 je...
sempat jugak la aku terminat 2-3 org..
cea..nak ramai2 je.

nway,so..when they start the shooting..
ramai la bibik2 berkampung kat depan rumah aku tuh..
bibik2 jiran dan juga bibik2 dpd mana2 tah..
ramai okeyh..
nak tayang muka ke..jakun ke..i'm not sure..

as for us..when they start shooting..either we stay upstairs..
or sometimes sibuk2 jugak la..
but most of the time kat atas la..
konon2 ala2 eksyen la..
padahal...sikit punya gatal..hahahahha..

n..as u all know..
i've told u guys that i love gardening..
n sebabkan obsessi terhadap pokok2 itu n suka dgn hasilnya..
me akan beriya2 menyiram pokok every morning n evening..
before that,i will sweep the porch n sampai la ke depan rumah..
sbb banyak daun2 kering..
nampak jugak la bibik2 tuh suka je tengok2..
tapi buat x tau je..
sbb aku ni paling la jenis malas nak tegur org..
apa2 la..bukan itu yg aku nak cite sebenarnyer..

so..pada suatu hari tuh..my sister,noy pergi mana tah..
so die balik time org tgh shooting..
so x bole la nak masuk rumah..
terpaksa la die lepak depan..
terlepak la dgn 2-3 org bibik nih..

so bibik yg busy body tuh bertanya la..


bibik : rumahnya tu.ramai orang ya??

noy : a ah

bibik : berapa orang??

noy : family saya, uncle saya n nenek pun ade..

bibik : yg slalu lelaki, keluar masuk tuh siapa??

*serious bibik nih penyibuk*

noy : pakcik saya tuh kot..

bibik : yg slalu sapu2 laman, dan siram bunga tu siapa ya??

noy : mak saya la kot.

bibik : bukan..ibu kamu saya kenal.

noy : abis tuh yg mana??

bibik : ala yg GENDUT-GENDUT tuh..yg GENDUT-GENDUT tuh siapa??

noy : gendut?? owh kakak saya kot *sambil tergelak2)

bibik : owh ingat siapa..


what the fuck???
owh sangat la aku x bole terima..
aku tau la aku nih 'besar' orgnyer..
tapi GENDUT??
i can still tolerate besar, montel(montel ke??), gemuk, gedempol, tembam..tembam???paling la x sesuai..dah tahap gaban dah aku nih..
tapi gendut???owh..sungguh keji bibik itu..
n noy kate die ingat aku bibik..
ba bi q betulll...

tapi if dok rumah mmg aku suke je pakai comot2..
utk keselesaan diri..
ape kejadah lak dak siram bunga nak melaram kan..
psycho dowww...
tapi GENDUT???
owh sangat la x bole terima akal...
nak ku sula je bibik itu..

*aku masih marah!!!*

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