Monday, April 30, 2007

fresh new layout~

got my self a new layout...
hope u guys like it..
since i'm new with this blogspot thingy..
i just use what they offer me..
so..setelah mengodek-godek..
this is the results..
*big applause to myself*

was surf google for images..
saw this one(see the image at the blog title)..which describe my blog title perfectly..
chukerrnyer sayer...
was bored with the old one.. this time..i make it a colourful one..



Khalisa Ridzuan said...

eh layout la..sgt colorful!!
menandakan owner nye jugak happy slaloo and ceria ye..=p

cantek tertarik,u mmg da bomb!
hahahahaha =P

cool cool..tahniah.saya dlu suka pakai layout2,tp mls,biarla plain,but spe tau esok lusa free i godek2 sne sini,pop! layout baru.haha
malasnye...exam dh abes
yahoo tp mmc tak yahoo.=(

Peej said...

tu la..
xde keje sangat..
tuh yg godek2 tuh..
alaa..tgh rajin buat la..
kalau dah malas tuh..lapan thn pun aku x tukar..

i tau kenapa u x yahoo..
lg 1 week je utk stay kat hillparkkan???