Tuesday, May 15, 2007

mamak kaya - aku yg pokai~

untill 5pm..ben still x call aku.. FINEEE!!!!
suddenly i received a call from ice..around 5ish..
cakap..die kene jugak jumpa aku...
my mom seperti biasa..,"apa lagi...limaploh ringgit"..
heheh..kalau aku charge consultation fee kat ice nih..nak kayo dah aku..
so ice pick me up around 7ish..
fill him with all the consultation..ceaaaa

later around 8ish..we we joined by bear n aboi..
mula2 yo yo je konon xmo makan..
tapi bile dah tgk semua org order..
tetibe tergugat pulak keimanan ku ini..
so aku meng-order la nasi goreng daging merah..
plus carrot susu n teh ais...pokai lah duit aku..dan kayalah mamak tuh..

bercerita lah kire org mengarut2...
n kite org plan for our next picnic session..
x sure lagi bile n dimana..
memandangkan utk kesenangan semua..
we will proceed with waterfall again..
sbb if nak gi beaches nih ongkosnye lebih kan..
see how it goes..

then we joined by bear n aboi's fren...anip *if x silap aku la*
then by ice's fren from rhb azreen..
as usual..sbb aku nih banyak cakap..
sekejap je we already get along..
kagum betul aku..
azreen tuh baru 25 tp dah mampu ade satria gti n beli kondo.. *fuhhh*

we we there until 11ish..
naik berpetak bontot ku ini dok kat kerusi tuh...
xpe laaaaa...at least dpt la aku kurangkan berpikir pasal masalah2 percintaan ini..
la la la...

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